▷ household manager - 鶹 /tag/household-manager/ Arizona's Most Trusted Nanny Agency Since 2002 | Specializing in services families, infant specialists, nannies, caregivers, nanny managers, live in nanny, household managers, and personal assistants | Serving the Phoenix Arizona Metro - Scottsdale, Paradise Valley, Phoenix, Glendale, Peoria, Mesa, Tempe, and more. Mon, 25 Nov 2019 14:18:18 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.2 /wp-content/uploads/2019/05/cropped-144-by-144-aan-transparent-1-32x32.png ▷ household manager - 鶹 /tag/household-manager/ 32 32 A Day in the Life of a Nanny /2019/11/25/a-day-in-the-life-of-a-nanny/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=a-day-in-the-life-of-a-nanny Mon, 25 Nov 2019 03:31:31 +0000 /?p=956 Ever wondered what it’s like to be a nanny for the day? We can’t wait to share the day in the life of a professional nanny. Their routine is impressive and they still make time for the most special moments and teaching times with the children. Most nannies work daytime hours but there are also […]

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Day in the life of a professional nanny
A day in the life of a professional nanny—include fun times at the park too!

Ever wondered what it’s like to be a nanny for the day? We can’t wait to share the day in the life of a professional nanny. Their routine is impressive and they still make time for the most special moments and teaching times with the children. Most nannies work daytime hours but there are also those that are live-in nannies, night nannies, or newborn care specialists that will work through the night or even in 24 hour shifts! We will be discussing day nannies that come to the family’s home during agreed-upon daytime hours.

A day in the life of a nanny involves many tasks and can be so much fun! I got a chance to interview a nanny and she gave me the scoop of her daily routine with the children she cares for: ages 3 and 7. Her schedule is Monday through Friday from 7:30 am-4:30 pm. The mother of the family works from home in her home office but also travels a lot. The father works locally but is gone throughout the day while the nanny is there to assist.

Morning Routine

When I arrive at the family’s home at 7:30 am I immediately start the morning by getting the young boy (7 years old) ready for school. I get him up, have his clothes laid out (I do that a week in advance and have them all laid out on his chest of drawers), and get him downstairs ready to eat breakfast. I let the girl (3 years old) wake up on her own but if she’s not up by the time to leave for school, I’ll grab her out of bed and move along. I also pack the boy’s lunch and have his bookbag ready to go. We leave the house altogether in the family’s SUV (the family provides me with a vehicle to use) and drop him off at school. I then return back to the family’s home to fix the toddler’s (3-year-old girl) breakfast and start a few morning chores.

The morning chores consist of making up beds, cleaning up kids’ rooms, tidying up the playroom, unloading and loading the dishwasher, and putting in a load of the kids’ clothes in the wash.

Then we play! How fun, right? We love doing arts and crafts and will usually make something with play-doh, moon sand, or do some type of coloring or painting. Often times we will bake too! The little girl loves to make homemade brownies and cookies, which is so much fun to do. After a couple of hours of playtime, arts and crafts or baking, I finish up the laundry and start prepping for lunch.

Mid-Day Routine

After cleaning up lunch, the little girl will watch TV in the playroom for a few minutes while enjoying some milk. I then put her in her bed for a nap. During nap time, I finish up laundry and any other housework that needs to be done whether that’s laying out things for the next day or some cleaning. This is a time where I also have some free-time and can sit back and relax for a few short minutes.

Afternoon Routine

Naptime is over! The little girl is refreshed and ready to go! Now it’s time for me to grab a snack, hop in the car, and go pick up the little boy from school. After pickup around 3 pm, I usually take them to the local playground/park for them to play for about 30 minutes or we’ll go home and play ball outside. I like for them to be able to burn off a little energy and it’s a fun time I have with them! We will then return back to the house where I help the young boy with his homework and play with them some more. The mother is finished with work by 4:30 pm and relieves me so I can go home. I’ve now finished my workday and will return to my home. This is a typically day my life as a professional nanny.

The Nanny’s Perspective

I honestly love what I do. My daily routine as a nanny is apart of my everyday life now. I get to be apart of a family and help them with their two blessings. The children are very receptive of me and love when I’m there. I’ve even heard the parents say they miss me on the weekends. I love working for this family too as they allow me to take the kids to fun places and they will provide the funds to do so. We have a lot of fun going to fairs, playgrounds, indoor play arenas, movies, mall, and library. This job is rewarding and pays well too! I also love the hours as I still get the weekends off to see family and friends and have some time to relax and get ready for the next busy week!

Let Us Help You!

As you can see the daily schedule of a professional nanny looks busier than most imagine! Yet they are nurturing, caring, and lots of fun. If you are wanting to have more intentional time with your kids, need help with their care and household items, then give us a call at 鶹 so we can help you find the perfect nanny for your family. To see more information check out our Family Section.

Also, if you are a nanny looking for that perfect family with perks like discussed, take a look at our Nannies Section and fill out an application today.

We take pride in providing the very best nannies to our families and vice versa. We are firm believers in a positive community and support system for each nanny and family we work with at 鶹.

Hi! I’m Kayla, the owner/director of 鶹! We provide experience, trust, and service to AZ families and nannies.

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How to Successfully Travel with a Nanny /2019/11/14/how-to-travel-successfully-with-your-nanny/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=how-to-travel-successfully-with-your-nanny Thu, 14 Nov 2019 10:52:27 +0000 /?p=943 Ready to pack up the bags, get the kids ready, and head on a trip for the holidays? If so, think about bringing your nanny along. Whether it’s a holiday trip or a family vacation, bring your nanny with you to help! Traveling with your nanny can be a great experience for everyone involved: the […]

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Successfully traveling with your nanny

Ready to pack up the bags, get the kids ready, and head on a trip for the holidays? If so, think about bringing your nanny along. Whether it’s a holiday trip or a family vacation, bring your nanny with you to help! Traveling with your nanny can be a great experience for everyone involved: the nanny can help with the children and allow for a date night too!

However, to ensure that both you and the nanny are still cheerful by the end of the tip, don’t forget some key things to discuss with your nanny. It’s best to be clear on the expectations and all the arrangement before the trip begins!

Steps to travel successfully with your nanny:

Communicate Beforehand-

Before the trip begins, outline the nanny’s responsibilities and schedule during the trip. Make sure your nanny knows when you need them to watch the children full time or when they may be going along with you and just be a helper. Also, if you decide on the trip that you want your nanny to take on extra hours, be sure to compensate fairly and communicate that to them. Always let them know their schedule for the hours you need them to work while on the trip. Make sure your nanny understands and is on the same page yet feels appreciated and compensated fairly.

Discuss Compensation-

This may seem like an obvious thing to discuss but you need to make sure they are aware of what they are getting paid even while traveling. Talk about whether your nanny will be receiving their regular pay or if the time that they will be working exceeds their normal hours and they will be compensated for that. Also, decide when you will pay your nanny whether that is the entire amount at the end of the trip or in with the rest of their normal pay schedule.


If you are traveling with your nanny, you have to decide if they will have their own room and bathroom (which I highly suggest) or share with the children. You have to make sure your nanny feels comfortable with the sleeping arrangements regardless of how close they are to your family or how long they have been your nanny.


Also, you would need to cover the cost of their airfare, hotel costs, and meals. Consider all of these travel expenses when deciding if you are bringing your nanny along. Of course, communicate what you are comfortable with spending even to your nanny when it comes to meals like eating out, etc. The biggest thing is to communicate all of this with your nanny so everything is clear right up front.

Taking your nanny on your upcoming holiday trip whether that’s to family gatherings or a fun trip can be super helpful and enjoyable as long as you make sure these key steps are taken care of. The best part is you already know your nanny and your children are comfortable with your nanny so bringing them along with you on vacation is a huge benefit. As long as you follow these key steps, everyone will come back happily ever after!

One last thing, if you are looking to hire a nanny to come and help your family and even go on trips like mentioned, check out our Families section here. At 鶹, we are one of Arizona’s most trusted nanny agencies and can help you find the perfect addition to your family.

Hi! I’m Kayla, the owner of 鶹. I’m here to help you find the perfect nanny for your family!

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All About a Nanny Share /2019/11/07/all-about-a-nanny-share/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=all-about-a-nanny-share Thu, 07 Nov 2019 18:53:43 +0000 /?p=934 Are you really wanting a Nanny but maybe aren’t ready to invest the full amount on a professional nanny? Then a nanny share could be the right fit for you! Let’s take a look at what steps you need to take to have a smooth and seamless nanny share as well as the many benefits. […]

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Are you really wanting a Nanny but maybe aren’t ready to invest the full amount on a professional nanny? Then a nanny share could be the right fit for you! Let’s take a look at what steps you need to take to have a smooth and seamless nanny share as well as the many benefits. A nanny share is when one nanny cares for children from different households at the same time.  This allows each family to save money on childcare expenses and the nanny earns a higher pay than the typical full-time position. ()  This allows you to have a high-quality candidate for less money out of pocket. “Okay, I’m interested….what are the next steps???” Steps to Set Up a Nanny Share:
  1. Find another family wanting to share a nanny with you. Listen out & ask around if you hear of any other family that is interested in a nanny. Find another family that you feel would be a good match with and share a nanny with.  Children who are the same age or similar ages will make this easier.  Location is also important, you need to be within a reasonable distance of one another so the commute for the nanny doesn’t change too drastically.
  2. Figure out a budget. Decide on an hourly rate that you can afford to pay the nanny together. Make sure you are both on the same page. For nanny share pay, you would want to take the average amount a nanny is being paid in your area and then each family pays 2/3 of that pay. Ex. the average nanny salary is $20/hr- each family pays $13.33 which then equals $26 per hour for the nanny.
  3. Figure out the schedule. Consider if the nanny will be at one family’s house 100% of the time or more like 50% of the time. Come up with a schedule that best suits both families and also makes sense for the nanny
  4. Interview and hire candidates. This is a great time to turn over all of this to 鶹 as we can help you with finding the perfect candidates and take care of the screening and background check. A nanny agency can definitely help prepare you to interview the candidates as well as all of the other important things such as background checks and all of the extra paperwork to set you up for a successful placement!
  5. Offer the nanny contracts and get a start date scheduled! Here at all about nannies, each family involved in the nanny share will receive a contract and be charged a placement fee. The nanny will be in contract with each individual family too.  It is a placement with each family.  Each family will have a contract with the nanny with additional documentation for the nanny share.
Benefits of a Nanny Share:
  1. Kids get to have play buddies every day. They are able to socialize with other kids and work on socialization skills all while being in their own home with a nanny share.
  2. Save money! You are not paying for the nanny alone. You split it with another family!
  3. You get a higher caliber nanny for your family at a lower rate!
  4. The children are still being closely supervised and receiving one-on-one attention even if there are more than 1 child.
  5. Meet some incredible friends. If you are in a nanny share with another family, you will get to know one another much better and create special bonds between yourself and the children.
Is this something you are interested in for your family? If you have any questions on the next steps of a nanny share or any of the amazing benefits, feel free to reach out and I’d be happy to assist. You can also check out our family section on our website for more information by clicking here. We discuss what are the next steps and what we will do to help guide you for finding a nanny share. 

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Spooky Crafts and Creepy Snacks /2019/10/23/spooky-crafts-and-creepy-snacks/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=spooky-crafts-and-creepy-snacks Wed, 23 Oct 2019 17:47:17 +0000 /?p=900 Can you believe it? Halloween is almost upon us! Its kind of a scary thought, right? Well, to help you and the kiddos get into a spooky frame of mind, here are some of my favorite Halloween activities. Do you have some toilet paper rolls lying around? Paint them, add some googly eyes, and glue […]

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Can you believe it? Halloween is almost upon us! Its kind of a scary thought, right? Well, to help you and the kiddos get into a spooky frame of mind, here are some of my favorite Halloween activities.

Do you have some toilet paper rolls lying around? Paint them, add some googly eyes, and glue some paper on them to create a little mummy. Let the kids imaginations run wild, and create any spooky character they can come up with.

Want to create a memento of little hands enjoying the holiday? Grab a box, piece of paper, white and black paint, a golf ball and some googly eyes. Put the paper, the golf ball, and some white paint on the paper, close the box lid, and let the littles shake some energy out while shaking the box. Take out your paper to see a unique web pattern. Then make a handprint spider. Perfect for remembering tiny hands.

How about a pumpkin stamp? All you need is a piece of paper, an apple cut in half, orange paint, googly eyes, and pipe cleaners. And you have the perfect fine motor activity for little hands.

Crafting will turn anyone into a hangry monster. So how about some creepy themed snacks?

Jack o lantern fruit cups, made from oranges are a perfect snack for little hands.

Peanut Butter spider cookies are simple to make and are sure to make your little one squeal. From delight, we hope.

And last, but not least, Witch hat cupcakes. So simple to put together with any cupcake recipe, and ice cream cones.

And there you have. The perfect spine chilling, hair raising treats and activities for the whole family.

  • Halloween toilet paper roll crafts- for full instructions go .
  • Handprint spider- for full instructions go .
  • Pumpkin stamp- for full instructions go .
  • Jack o lantern fruit cups- for full recipe go .
  • Peanut butter spider cookies- for full recipe go .
  • Witch hat cupcakes- for full recipe go .

Also, if you are still looking for a fun fall activities in Arizona to check out with your kids or the kids you nanny check out this blog.

Which spooky craft and creepy treat are you going to make?

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How to Find the Perfect Nanny /2019/10/23/how-to-find-the-perfect-nanny/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=how-to-find-the-perfect-nanny /2019/10/23/how-to-find-the-perfect-nanny/#comments Wed, 23 Oct 2019 01:18:33 +0000 /?p=891 Looking for the right fit to come in and take care of your most prized possessions, your children? It’s one that should not be taken lightly and one that should be handled properly. We understand you may not know where to go for the answers on finding the perfect nanny so we have composed the […]

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Looking for the right fit to come in and take care of your most prized possessions, your children? It’s one that should not be taken lightly and one that should be handled properly. We understand you may not know where to go for the answers on finding the perfect nanny so we have composed the top tips for you when looking for a nanny for your family.

Find a Nanny Placement Agency

  • You need to find an agency that has a good reputation, not only with their families but among their nannies as well.  Look at how long the agency has been in business. I’d recommend going for an agency that has been in business for a while (obviously) as there are lots of agencies that come and go.
  • Look at what niche or specialty the agency is involved in. Some focus on career nannies (like us) and do more long term, full time nannying and house management. Some agencies specialize in temp or part-time jobs and have a younger base of nannies.   
  • Read all the reviews. Check and see if there are reviews from nannies who have been placed with them.
  • Call them and ask what the placement process is like and exactly what the fees are upfront.  
  • Ask them what the hiring process is like and what their replacement guarantee is.  
  • Ask about the background checks.  What they include, what is required or nannies to be represented by the agency. What would disqualify a nanny from being represented? 
  • Ask them if they are involved in the community and offer classes or trainings for their nannies to maintain their skill level and keep things up to date.

Know Your Expectations for the Nanny

There are some things that parents have to ask themselves before even beginning the placement of a nanny in order to find the nanny that fits their style the best.

For example these are questions that I tend to ask parents during a consultation:

  • Is mom or dad a work from home parent?
  • Are they hands on or do they want nanny to come in and run things? Or do they want a partner and to work with her on a plan? (And will they follow up and back up said plan when nanny isn’t there.)
  • Do they want pictures and check ins through the day or do they want to go to work and focus on that and get a full report at the end of the day?

So often people think hiring a nanny is all about the nanny, but it’s almost always all about the parents. These nannies are professionals and been in so many homes, with so many parenting styles. They can adapt and perform their job. It’s really those details about the parenting style and dynamic in the home that are more important to figure out as early and clearly as possible.

Screen the Nannies

Find an agency that does this for you and makes your life easier! 鶹 takes care of the reference checks and background checks for you.

Interview Your Candidates

After you have found the right agency, had a consultation, answered the hard questions on your expectations of the nanny and the nannies have been screened and qualified, you are ready to interview!

You definitely want to to ask the right questions to get a better idea of the candidates’ personalities, experiences, work-styles, communication styles, etc.

At 鶹, we provide interview questions, an interview guide, helpful tips, and any follow-up or prepping that needs to be done before and after the interviews. This is all included so you are prepped and ready to interview!

Trial Run

Have a trial run for your top candidates. I’d say at least for your top two candidates. Schedule a paid, in-home trial with the candidates where you show and explain everything on the first day and the second day they put everything into practice. You’ll be able to see which nanny can perform all the requirements and if they are good fit for your children and family.

Offer the Position to your Top Candidate

How exciting! You’ve made it through all the steps (however with the right nanny agency it should be smoother and easier) and now it’s time to hire the right candidate!

I hope this has been a help on how to find the perfect nanny for your family and it makes more sense now. These steps are all so important for the process to go smoothly and efficiently.

Do you still need some more information? Check out our Families section here. We have a six-step process here at 鶹 that makes it super easy for you to follow and find the perfect nanny. For more information and to start your family application now, head over to our Families section here. If you still have some questions and are looking to speak to us then go over to the Contact Us section of our website and fill out a quick form and we will be back with you as soon as possible.

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A Nanny’s Top 5 Baby Products /2019/10/16/a-nannys-top-5-baby-product-must-haves/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=a-nannys-top-5-baby-product-must-haves Wed, 16 Oct 2019 01:05:03 +0000 /?p=874 Guess what? We decided to hear from one of our favorite nannies on what her top 5 baby products would be. We asked nanny Brittany to share with us her favorite products she uses every day in her life as a nanny and why they are the best, most useful products. “Here comes baby! Are […]

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Guess what? We decided to hear from one of our favorite nannies on what her top 5 baby products would be. We asked nanny to share with us her favorite products she uses every day in her life as a nanny and why they are the best, most useful products.

“Here comes baby! Are you ready? Did you get everything that you needed on your registry or are you overwhelmed with all the products your friends and family are sharing with you? Not to worry, as a nanny I have seen and used so many of these products and I want to share with you my top 5 products I can’t live without!

– let me tell you I have used tons of wipes and these have to be by far my favorite. They are thick enough so you can get everything in one wipe without getting it everywhere.

PC: Honest Company

– this is truly one of a kind sound machine and light. You use this as a white noise machine for those new babies all the way up to your toddlers who need the light at night time.

PC: The Hatch Baby

– this bath is a lifesaver! It is a soft mesh that can rinse easily and supports your baby in the safest position possible.

PC: Google

this simple, easy swaddle can be used by anyone! No more fighting to get your baby’s arms in the right position either. Just wrap your baby and go!

PC: The Ollie World

– We all do not like that feeling of putting diaper cream on our baby’ bums then having to get the diaper on before the mess gets everywhere! The BabyBum Brush saves you from the mess and the feeling of diaper cream everywhere!

PC: Bumco

I hope that you enjoy these products as much as I do. They really make a difference in my life as a working, professional nanny and I share them with all the families I work with. Give them a try and you will fall in love with them too!”

We also showcased my favorite baby products as a previous nanny, newborn care specialist, household manager, and now the owner of 鶹 on this blog found here.

Are you feeling overwhelmed with all the baby product decisions? We know it can be a lot so we offer a Custom Baby Registry Design. It includes a 1-hour in-home or virtual consultation, curated baby registry tailored to fit your lifestyle and needs, and an organized list for thank you cards. Contact us today to purchase this service and get started!

Recent testimonial: “As my husband and I prepared for the arrival of our first child, Kayla helped us navigate all things baby related including helping me with my registry. As a first time mom, I didn’t know what products were better than others and which were necessary. Her expertise was so valuable and her experience with different products helped me figure out what would work best for me and my family.” -Jackie

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How to Relax and Enjoy Your Pregnancy /2019/10/15/how-to-relax-and-enjoy-your-pregnancy/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=how-to-relax-and-enjoy-your-pregnancy Tue, 15 Oct 2019 17:23:57 +0000 /?p=845 “Everything grows rounder and wider and weirder and I sit here in the middle of it all and wonder who in the world you will turn out to be.”-Carrie Fisher Pregnancy is one of the most beautiful times in a woman’s life. Filled with anticipation, wonder, and sweet mystery. But it does not come without […]

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“Everything grows rounder and wider and weirder and I sit here in the middle of it all and wonder who in the world you will turn out to be.”-Carrie Fisher

Pregnancy is one of the most beautiful times in a woman’s life. Filled with anticipation, wonder, and sweet mystery. But it does not come without its challenges.  Can you say heartburn, backaches, fatigue, endless bathroom visits, and nausea? Oh, did I say fatigue? It’s a time of growing. Not only for the baby. But for the mama as well. You really are stretched to max capacity, mentally and physically. All in preparation for the lifelong journey of motherhood. But how can one really stop and enjoy all that pregnancy brings? It’s not always easy to pause and appreciate the magic. But it is possible.

Start by getting excited about taking care of your sweet baby, by planning out your registry. Wander the baby aisles, with a decaf iced coffee in hand. Make it all become a reality, by thinking about which diapers you want your baby in. And let us help by allowing us to curate a customized baby registry filled with all the gear you need.

Another way that you can enjoy this unique part of motherhood, is to set your focus on some of the sweet moments to come. And what can get you more excited about holding and rocking your precious squish to sleep, than preparing a nursery? Preparing your baby’s nursery comes with many decisions such as picking out paint colors, hanging curtains, setting up the crib and changing table. All of this really just makes the reality of what is to come, so much more real and exciting. Lots of expecting moms love to go sit in their babies nursery after it’s all completed, and for a few moments, they forget all the discomforts they are experiencing and just dream of what is to come.

And did you know we offer services to help take away even more stress and help you set up your nursery? We help you by offering nursery design and setup, customized to your style. We can help you organize all of the products you need and can even help demonstrate how all of your gear will work for baby. Then you can really prop your feet up, and sit and wonder of the joy to come.

Another way to make your passage to motherhood easier is to plan and prep for the delivery of the baby. Delivery can be one of the most fun parts of being a mom. The anticipation of seeing your toes again, and not making 100 trips to the bathroom a day. Not to mention, reaping the fruit of your labor, and finally holding that precious little one. We can help you prepare for this rite of passage, by creating a custom to-do list for each trimester. As well as a comprehensive hospital packing guide for mommy and baby. Allowing you to accomplish what you need in a timely fashion. 

Granting sweet time, to be able to stand in gratefulness, for the special gift you have been given, to carry life within you. And to learn that pregnancy is just a stepping stone to the lifelong journey of motherhood.All the discomfort you are feeling now, will pass. More quickly than you realize. And you will miss this sacred time of your babe growing within. But oh the joys to come!Let us help you on your journey to motherhood. Reach out on your journey. We would love to help.

To look at all of these services offered plus options of hiring a nanny, newborn care specialist, or household manager can be found on our website here. 鶹 has placed thousands of successful nannies with families in Arizona since 2002! Let us help you and support you along your pregnancy and even afterwards.

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5 Fall Time Goodies to Make with Kids /2019/10/08/5-fall-time-goodies-to-make-with-kids/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=5-fall-time-goodies-to-make-with-kids Tue, 08 Oct 2019 09:47:30 +0000 /?p=790 Are you looking for a kid-friendly, fall time snack or treat to allow your kids to help? Get the kids off the couch and in the kitchen to help make these fun and delcious fall themed goodies. Here are my favorite 5 fall time goodies to make with kids this time of year: Harvest Trail […]

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Are you looking for a kid-friendly, fall time snack or treat to allow your kids to help? Get the kids off the couch and in the kitchen to help make these fun and delcious fall themed goodies.

Here are my favorite 5 fall time goodies to make with kids this time of year:

  • Harvest Trail Mix
Photo credit: The House of Hendrix

This trail mix is full of various fall themed goodies yet super easy to make. The kids will love throwing gin all the ingredients, shaking, and I’m sure munching on!

For the full ingredient list and details go here to the .

*Also, what’s so neat too about this trail mix is you can mix it up however you’d like….let’s say you have kids that do not like a particular ingredient or allergic, then pick something else or omit!

  • Mini Pumpkin Quesadillas
Photo credit: Crafty Morning

Need something more savory and not as sweet? Then this fun fall themed snack or meal will surely have your kids smiling yet enjoying a yummy quesadilla.

For the full ingredient list and details go here to

*Here’s another tip– you could make it a meal and use bigger tortillas by throwing in some veggies, fruit, and you could even add in some beef or chicken with the quesadilla. I’d put it under the cheese so it still looks orange like a pumpkin. Oh, and you can serve with some salsa, guacamole, and sour cream too! How fun and yummy!

  • Fall Leaf Sugar Gummies
Photo Credit: Hallecake

These are super cool and any kid would love to have some of these! Very fall-themed as you cut these dummies out with a fall leaf silicone mold.

For the full ingredient list and details head over to .

*Just keep in mind these have to sit out overnight before you can consume so make sure you and the kids are aware! You could even color them different colors besides orange as pictured to have a variety of leaves! How fun!

  • Pumpkin Patch Pudding
Photo Credit: Art & Crackers

These are one of the cutest, fall-themed treats I’ve seen yet! How darling are these or what? And super scrumptious too! Kids will love helping with making these pumpkin patch puddings!

For the full ingredient list and details head over to .

*These are like the traditional dirt cups with worms but without the worms and having pumpkins instead! These would also make a great classroom snack to take to any fall party!

  • Candy Corn Popsicles
Photo Credit: the Girl Inspired

How darling yet yummy do these look? These are perfect too for a toddler that may be teething too! These are also a healthier fall-themed treat compared to some as you only use pineapple juice, orange juice, and yogurt. You’ll also need to make sure you have these popsicles makers from Zoku which can be found on . These popsicle makers look super awesome and you can make popsicles in as little as 7 minutes on your countertop, wow!

For the full ingredient list and details head over to .

*You don’t have to wait forever if you use the Zoku popsicle maker which is a plus. They are a little costly but so worth it since you can have your popsicles ready to go in under 7 minutes and your kids don’t have to wait hours. You can also use the popsicle maker over and over again to make a variety of popsicles.

We hope you enjoy making one or all of these fall themed goodies with the kids or the kids you nanny for. It’s a fun (and delicious) way to get the kids in the kitchen learning and spendign tiem with you!

Also, if you are looking for fall-themed crafts and activities, don’t forget to check out the rest of our blogs here. If you are also looking to hire a nanny, household manager, or newborn care specialist, check out our Family Application area with more information as I’d love to help you!

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Baby Registry Must-Haves /2019/10/03/baby-registry-must-haves/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=baby-registry-must-haves /2019/10/03/baby-registry-must-haves/#comments Thu, 03 Oct 2019 02:51:28 +0000 /?p=755 Are you or someone you may know expecting a precious blessing soon? If so, or even if you love baby products, you have to check out all these amazing registry items! These are my tried and true favorite items I will choose over and over again for any registry!  With different households, budgets, and parent’s needs, […]

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Are you or someone you may know expecting a precious blessing soon? If so, or even if you love baby products, you have to check out all these amazing registry items!

These are my tried and true favorite items I will choose over and over again for any registry!  With different households, budgets, and parent’s needs, they are the items that stand out. All of these items are functional, high quality, and useful that I will always recommend to people!  I’ve seen first hand through years of experience as a nanny, newborn care specialist, and household manager, that these items are the best of the best!


Nuna Mixx 2: Located at . This is my favorite stroller of life.  It’s a perfect size, great price and always stylish.  Mesh back for breathability, one-handed fold and incredibly good looking. Cost: $599.95

Mockingbird: Located at .  This is a GREAT new addition to the stroller world.  A direct to customer brand disrupting big box stores all over the place and providing a luxury stroller at an incredible value.  It looks suspiciously similar to our next classic registry item.  Cost: $350

Uppababy Vista: Located at .  The Mockingbird’s “cousin” …The Uppababy vista has been the standard of luxury strollers for years.  A major benefit to this one is that it comes complete with a bassinet and attachments you need.  All in one, right from the time you purchase it. Cost: $899.99-$959.99

Maxi Cosi Zelia: Located at . A great budget option for those wanting something a bit more affordable, yet still stylish and sleek. Cost: $399

Car Seat:

Nuna Pipa- Located at . This is my favorite car seat of life.  To go with my favorite stroller of life J It is also consistently rated the absolute safest of the safe with its innovative leg brace suspension giving it extra support in the event of an accident, all while being lightweight!  Bonus:  This one features a genius secret “dream drape” which serves as a blackout canopy for the coziest place for your baby to rest while out and about. Cost: $299.95

Britax B Safe– Located at – The standard for mid-range car seats, all the bells, and whistles needed, incredible safety and security and simple and stylish. Cost: $199.99


Chicco Lullago– Located at – Simple, stylish, and portable!  What more can you ask for? Cost: $119.99

Fisher-Price Soothing Motions Bassinet– Located at . A great alternative to expensive automatic soothing bassinets to be near your bedside those first few weeks and months. Cost: $119.99


SwaddleUp– Located at . The best happy medium with a baby who needs to be swaddled but still likes their arms out or free! Cost: $29.95

Hatch Baby Rest Night Light– Located at . An absolute must on any registry.  Nightlight, projector, AND white noise machine all in one. Can control from your cell phone and tablets. Cost: $59.99



The Play Gym by Lovevery– Located at . An incredibly interactive play mat for the first year or more of baby’s little life!  Endless activities all designed to engage their senses and help them explore, all while being modern, simple and colorful. 

Busy Baby Activity Chair– Located at . This chair is amazing. It has plenty of activities to keep you little one busy, including a mirror, rattle, squeaky toy and more. It’s all made from soft but sturdy foam too! Such an amazing product! Cost: $139

Malarkey Kids Munch Mitt– located at . A game-changer for those tricky months when teething is bad. Put one of these on one or both hands and let baby go to town chewing!  Cost: $9.99


Skip Hop Explore and More 3 Stage Activity Center– located at . A great baby activity center that supports the baby’s whole body. It has a 360-degree rotating seat that turns and stretches for the baby to move around. This also converts to a table as baby grows. Cost: $130

Lobana Peri-Garde– Located at . Nanny secret right here!  This is THE BEST thing you can use for diaper rash!  Stop wasting money on anything else.  Cost: $12.95

Snuggle Me Organic– located at . A great place for baby to rest and be cozy like they are in the womb.  This thing will bring on some serious naps!  A great way to have baby with you wherever you are in the home in those first few months. Cost: $99


Spectra S1– located at . Finally, a hospital-grade pump available without renting from the hospital!  The most effective pump on the market. Cost: $199.99

LaVie Lactation Massager– located at . A must-have for new breastfeeding moms! The warmth and vibration from this massager help with any clogged ducts, lactation aches, and pains and a great way to help prevent mastitis.  Cost: $39.95

I hope you love reviewing all these wonderful products as much as I do. They all work wonders with a new baby! Also, stay tuned as we reveal something pretty exciting on Friday, October 4th that will help any new mom out!

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