▷ arizona schools - 鶹 /tag/arizona-schools/ Arizona's Most Trusted Nanny Agency Since 2002 | Specializing in services families, infant specialists, nannies, caregivers, nanny managers, live in nanny, household managers, and personal assistants | Serving the Phoenix Arizona Metro - Scottsdale, Paradise Valley, Phoenix, Glendale, Peoria, Mesa, Tempe, and more. Mon, 20 Apr 2020 17:44:49 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.2 /wp-content/uploads/2019/05/cropped-144-by-144-aan-transparent-1-32x32.png ▷ arizona schools - 鶹 /tag/arizona-schools/ 32 32 Top 10 鶹schooling Resources During COVID-19 /2020/04/20/top-10-homeschooling-resources-during-covid-19/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=top-10-homeschooling-resources-during-covid-19 Mon, 20 Apr 2020 17:44:44 +0000 /?p=1302 COVID-19 and the guidelines that are being implemented to prevent further spread are interrupting all aspects of our lives and our children’s education routines. This has been one of the biggest changes we have had to adapt to. Instead of sending our children off to be taught, we as parents and caregivers have been thrust […]

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鶹school Resources During This Time
Photography by Nico Marie Photo

COVID-19 and the guidelines that are being implemented to prevent further spread are interrupting all aspects of our lives and our children’s education routines. This has been one of the biggest changes we have had to adapt to. Instead of sending our children off to be taught, we as parents and caregivers have been thrust into the world of homeschooling. For Arizona, that will be the case for the rest of the school year.

As you know classes are being converted to distance learning, with the teachers teaching behind a screen. Leaving us the caregivers, to be the ones to make sure classes are accomplished, and that education is not swept to the sidelines.

We cannot encourage you enough to continue to keep up with your child’s schoolwork. It will make sure they are not only learning and growing as they should, but it will also recreate a sense of normalcy and routine. And our children desperately need that right now. 

Top 10 鶹schooling Resources During COVID-19
Photography by Nico Marie Photography

Their lives have been turned upside down too, they are feeling so many emotions from all the upheaval and loss of routine. Reassure them that they are loved and safe, and help keep their little minds busy and learning.

While we know that you will be spending a lot of your school time completing assignments given by teachers, we encourage you to make this a fun experience for your child. This is a once in a lifetime occurrence, (hopefully) so, make the best of it! Change things up, get creative and have some fun!

This is the perfect time to branch out in your child’s education. A time to let their own talents and interest bloom, a time to show them that learning can extend beyond the four walls of the classroom. And branch out into the entire world. (virtually of course…)

There are so many free resources out there to easily accompany and reinforce your child’s assignments and interests. And we have compiled our top 10 resources to help you get started!

Top 10 鶹schooling Resources During COVID-19

Easy Peasy is a free online homeschool curriculum for grades K-12. The only materials you will need to buy are pencils, paper, and other basic supplies! 

The Good and The Beautiful offers their Language Arts curriculum for free on levels 1-5. The program covers all subject areas in Language Arts and they also include topics such as such as Art Appreciation, and Geography! 

This website and will bring the hands-on learning back to your child. Providing you with a wide variety of different topics and printable activities to do based on those topics. So if your child likes bugs or animals, they have activities based on that. 

An interactive website for children that are into animals, reptiles, and anything science. They have great thematic activities based around those items that will keep your child engaged for long periods of time.

This website is amazing for children that are heavily into animals, reptiles, and anything science. With thematic activities based around those items, this site will keep your child learning for long periods of time.

Story Online is a website that reads aloud books targeted at children. A variety of different celebrities choose a popular children’s story and move through the pages with readings that keep the children engaged and interacting with the material. Their selection is immense, with a diverse selection. Every month they have special selections that are added, which keeps the rotation fresh. A helpful way to incorporate storytime on a more independent basis if you might not have the time due to you working yourself.

This website is filled with gross motor activities. It’s important during times like this, to keep your kids moving as much as possible. As amazing as online and distant learning is, the sitting down can be tiring and monotonous for all involved. This website will help your child get up and get moving. Think of it as an aerobics video for your children.

A website with over 3,000 activities for kids from science museums from all over the United States. You are able to search by topics, and by age.  

An Interactive website sponsored by the National Science Foundation. Every lesson and activity on this site are aligned to the science/math standard of that state. Its also lines up with common core.

A Youtube channel with a variety of videos, but focuses on geography and history. Includes basics such as landforms, season, rocks, soils, and more.

Live Zoo and Aquarium Cameras

Most zoos and aquariums across the world offer live views of certain animals! Let your child watch and learn about different animals from the safety of the home! Just type into your search engine “zoo” or “aquarium” cameras to choose which zoo you want to visit today.

Top 10 鶹schooling Resources During COVID-19

We know this is a challenging time for each of us. But together, we will get through this and I hope these top 10 homeschooling resources will be a help!

Let us know how we can help you today with any nanny services, private educators, tutors or even a virtual nanny! We can help with anything else in the home as well. We can customize a placement for anything you may need help with! Organizing, meal prep, cleaning, sleep training and more! Check out our Families Section for more information, or email us today! info@allaboutnanniesaz.com | 602-266-9116

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