▷ arizona families - 鶹 /tag/arizona-families/ Arizona's Most Trusted Nanny Agency Since 2002 | Specializing in services families, infant specialists, nannies, caregivers, nanny managers, live in nanny, household managers, and personal assistants | Serving the Phoenix Arizona Metro - Scottsdale, Paradise Valley, Phoenix, Glendale, Peoria, Mesa, Tempe, and more. Tue, 16 Jun 2020 20:43:34 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.2 /wp-content/uploads/2019/05/cropped-144-by-144-aan-transparent-1-32x32.png ▷ arizona families - 鶹 /tag/arizona-families/ 32 32 Top 10 Baby Registry Must Haves /2020/06/16/top-10-baby-registry-must-haves/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=top-10-baby-registry-must-haves Tue, 16 Jun 2020 20:43:31 +0000 /?p=1482 Expecting a new bundle of joy soon? If so congratulations! This is such an exciting time. One full of so much anticipation and preparation. But, it also a time to be a little bit confused. You know that a baby is coming, but what on earth does one really need for a baby? What is […]

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new mom
Photo by Nico Marie Photo

Expecting a new bundle of joy soon? If so congratulations! This is such an exciting time. One full of so much anticipation and preparation.

But, it also a time to be a little bit confused. You know that a baby is coming, but what on earth does one really need for a baby? What is helpful and what is not?

Many of you can remember going up and down all the baby aisles, at all the stores, and leaping at every product you saw. But after baby arrived, you quickly learned, a new baby does not need a ton of items. After clothing, food, and diapers, you need just a few great, high quality items, that get the job done.

The job most often being, keeping baby safe, quiet, and hopefully to sleep.

So, to help keep you being confused from all the hype, of all the products, we are going to share the “Top 10 Must Have Baby Registry Items”.

(click on the link to go straight to the product)

  • – Convertible cribs are a great option as they will grow with your child. Look for one with functionality and a great price.
Top 10 Baby Registry Must Haves That You Need Today.
Photo by Amazon
  • – Strollers are necessary for when you start wanting to take baby out and about to the store or for a stroll in the park. Look for one with an adaptable car seat base, easy to maneuver and store, and one baby can easily nap in for long outings.
Top 10 Baby Registry Must Haves That You Need Today.
Photo from Amazon
  • – You will want to keep baby safe and sound while traveling. And you will want to easily get baby in and out the car, without breaking your arms from too much weight.  You want a car seat with a snug fit, and comfortable grip.
Top 10 Baby Registry Must Haves That You Need Today.
Photo from Amazon
  • – The bobby pillow has been a longtime favorite for new parents. Not only is great for bottle feeding and nursing, it grows with your baby as a longer, or prop for tummy time.
Top 10 Baby Registry Must Haves That You Need Today.
Photo by Amazon
  • – Baby carriers are essential for when you want baby close, or when baby needs to be close to you. They allow you to work and continue with daily life, and have your hands free. There is a great variety in carriers. From wraps, to slings, to soft structured carriers. Research and ask other moms what their favorite baby carrier is to determine what you think will work best for you.
Top 10 Baby Registry Must Haves That You Need Today.
Photo by Amazon
  • – You will want to keep an eye and ear on your little one while they are napping. Monitors have amazing technology options now. From video to smartphone compatibility. Your choices are endless.
Top 10 Baby Registry Must Haves That You Need Today.
Photo by Amazon
  • – Baby’s nails will grow long, they will need to have their hair brushed, their temps checked, and so on. A good grooming kit will help with all of that.
Top 10 Baby Registry Must Haves That You Need Today.
Photo by Amazon
  • – Baby will need a bath. Look for something easy to store and clean.
Top 10 Baby Registry Must Haves That You Need Today.
Photo from Amazon
  • – Baby may struggle to sleep without a soothing noise after being the womb. A white noise machine is great in helping them adjust and get the sleep they need. And to help you sleep too.
Top 10 Baby Registry Must Haves That You Need Today.
Photo from Amazon
  • – A pack and play doubles as a portable crib for traveling, or even a changing station.
Top 10 Baby Registry Must Haves That You Need Today.
Photo by Amazon

Share with us! Are you a first-time parent, or a seasoned pro? Are there any items you would add to this list?

Top 10 Baby Registry Must Haves That You Need Today
Photo by Nico Marie Photo

We are also here for you if you are expecting a new bundle of joy and need help with a newborn care specialist or nanny for your family. Check out all our services here.

We are also on several platforms so go follow us on on , , and .

Read more of our blogs here!

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The Best Mother’s Day Gift Ideas /2020/05/05/the-best-mothers-day-gift-ideas/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=the-best-mothers-day-gift-ideas Tue, 05 May 2020 00:42:36 +0000 /?p=1427 “A mother is she who can take the place of all others but whose place no one can take.” No one can replace the love a mother gives and she deserves to know how much she means to her children no matter how old. Mothers day is right around the corner and we have some […]

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Photo by Nico Marie Photo

“A mother is she who can take the place of all others but whose place no one can take.”

No one can replace the love a mother gives and she deserves to know how much she means to her children no matter how old. Mothers day is right around the corner and we have some craft ideas for nannies to do with little ones to give moms. Hand made with love gifts mean so much to moms and are a perfect way to make her feel special. We have got the BEST mother’s day gift ideas waiting for you!

Here are 4 Craft Ideas for Young Children to Make for Mom This Year:

1) Easy Handprint Card

Photo from Simply Sweet Teaching

Make a homemade card and put the child(rens) hand-painted prints on it for mom to have a keepsake with the size of their hands in 2020. Making the hands look like a bouquet of flowers is an even better touch.

Find all the details .

2) Painted Mother’s Day Flower Pot

Photo from All Things Mamma

How cute would it be to have a child paint a flower pot for mom and plant a simple flower in it that they can help mom cultivate and grow with love? All you need is a small flower pot, paint, a flower, and a little potting soil. Children love to paint, so let them use their own imagination and personalize it with their own artistic flair. 

Find all the details .

3) DIY Mother’s Day Coffee Mug

Photo by Meaningful Mama

We all know how much mom needs her coffee! If coffee is something that your family’s mom enjoys and needs, having her child(ren) make her a specialized DIY mug would be the perfect gift for her. It also would be her go-to mug for that perfect cup of coffee to help her start the day.  All you need is a white mug and glass or ceramic paint markers. 

Find all the details .

4) Framed Pressed Flowers

Framed Pressed Flowers
Photo by Lily Ardor

Most moms know the feeling of being outdoors with their kids and being handed little flowers (weeds in most cases). Children love handpicking those little flowers and giving them in love to their moms. Make mom’s gift special for the kids by letting them go on an outing to pick flowers for mom then press them in a picture frame to give her on Mother’s Day!

Find all the details .

Photo by Nico Marie Photo

I hope these easy and affordable crafts give you some inspiration for this year’s Mother’s Day! Don’t let the Quarantine stop you from honoring the special mom in your children’s lives. She deserves these small gestures and gifts to remember just how much she’s loved and appreciated.

Tag @allaboutnannies in your crafts if you decide to make one of these and let us see!

Photo by Nico Marie Photo

鶹 is committed to finding quality nannies, house managers, personal assistants, and newborn specialists for our Arizona families. You can always learn more here.

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Handling Quarantine with Children /2020/03/19/handling-quarantine-with-children-with-many-helpful-tips/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=handling-quarantine-with-children-with-many-helpful-tips Thu, 19 Mar 2020 01:16:25 +0000 /?p=1168 Social distancing with kiddos and quarantine for however long means no playdates, no park visits, no visiting indoor play places, or any other activity where other people are gathered. All in an effort for our society to collectively slow the spread of Covid19. It’s going to be a trying time for many. Especially for those […]

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Social distancing with kiddos and quarantine for however long means no playdates, no park visits, no visiting indoor play places, or any other activity where other people are gathered. All in an effort for our society to collectively slow the spread of Covid19. It’s going to be a trying time for many. Especially for those of you that have children that are of school age, or are used to weekly playdates, and daily outings. Don’t worry though, handling quarantine with children is possible!

To help you out, I am sharing my favorite resources to keep your young charges entertained and busy. And to help keep your sanity.

To begin with, I would highly recommend setting up an hourly schedule. Children thrive on routine. And with the normal routine having to be thrown out the window, creating a new one ASAP, will make days go much more smoothly. And it will create a sense of safety and familiarity with your child. 

Below is a sample daily schedule that can easily be adapted to suit your current needs.

Sample Daily Schedule (substitute activities based on your child’s age)

7-9 am

Wake up

Get Dressed



Independent Play

Photo by Nico Marie Photo

9-11 am

Read book

At home school assignments



Reading time
Photo by Nico Marie Photo

11- 1 pm


Educational Screen Time

If in a situation where people can be avoided, get outdoors

outdoors time
Photo by Nico Marie Photo

1–3 pm

Nap/ Rest Time

Photo by Nico Marie Photo

3-5 pm

Independent play


Dance Party/ Exercise activity

independent play
Photo by Nico Marie Photo

5-7 pm


Kitchen Clean up

Bath Time

Read Books

time for dinner
Photo by Nico Marie Photo

8 pm

Total House Tidy-Up


Photo by Nico Marie Photo

Indoor Activities (Toddler)

Indoor Activities (School Age)

baking time
Photo by Nico Marie Photo

While setting up organized, special activities are a great idea, including kids in the normal day to day activities can be a great boredom buster too!

Baking– Try a new cake or bread recipe. Depending on the age of the child, you can include them in most of the process. Let them pour the ingredients in a mixer or even measure out the ingredients. Make it a learning activity.

House work– Assign them household chores that have to be completed every day. Make a chart with stickers for younger children. Set a timer, and whoever finishes their chore before the timer goes off, gets extra screen time.

Yard work– Do you have leaves that need raking? A flower bed that needs weeding? Or a porch to be swept off? Let your children burn off energy in the sun by helping with those chores. Or another idea is to digitally connect with neighbors, and ask if you can bring the kids over to complete yard work for them if they are unable to at this time. Just make sure the neighbor stays indoors!

At home exercise routine– Since you aren’t going to the gym, workout at home with YouTube. And get your kids to workout right along with you. Teach them how to do push-ups, and burpees. Let them have a jumping jack competition. See who can stretch the most in Yoga. The possibilities are endless!

toddler behavior
Photo by Nico Marie Photo

Get creative! This is a challenging and stressful time for all of us and kids sense it. But we can make the best of handling quarantine with children.

Make memories and strive to create an atmosphere of peace and calm.

Ease their fears and worries. Make this a time of fun for your child. And you too!

Also, don’t be afraid if you just need a day or two where you do nothing but sit in front of a screen. Let go of high expectations, and just be.

And drink an extra cup of coffee. Or two. You will probably need it.

coffee time
Photo by Nico Marie Photo

Wash your hands, and stay safe friends!

all about nannies
Photo by Nico Marie Photo

And, if you by chance need a nanny for your kids out of school right now or permanently, go here to look over more information about 鶹 and fill out an application.

If you are a nanny looking for a position with an ideal family, check out openings here.

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20 Self-Care Ideas for 2020 /2019/12/31/20-self-care-ideas-for-2020/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=20-self-care-ideas-for-2020 Tue, 31 Dec 2019 04:07:07 +0000 /?p=1045 “Self-care is giving the world the best of you instead of what’s left of you!” Give yourself the same care and attention that you give to others and watch yourself bloom. Did you give too much this holiday season? And I am not talking about actual gifts. But did you give too much of yourself? […]

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“Self-care is giving the world the best of you instead of what’s left of you!”

Give yourself the same care and attention that you give to others and watch yourself bloom.

Did you give too much this holiday season? And I am not talking about actual gifts. But did you give too much of yourself?

It happens. 

The holidays keep us on our toes, and we are so busy doing all the things, for all the people, except ourselves. But now it’s back to our regularly scheduled programing and we are left feeling a bit blah.

But the New Year is the perfect time to get back on track, and to start a new routine. A self-care routine, that will put life back into your days. It’s okay to take care of yourself. This can be done in many different ways.

Today I am going to share 20 Self-Care Ideas for 2020 to help you take better care of yourself, that anyone can incorporate into their daily routine. 

  1. Go for a walk
  2. Meditate
  3. Connect with friends
  4. Practice deep breathing
  5. Call a friend or family member
  6. Journal
  7. Cook your favorite food
  8. Sit down and enjoy a cup of coffee or tea
  9. Take a social media break
  10. Take a nap
  11. Go to a park and people watch
  12. Create a positive mantra for yourself
  13. Drink lots of water- water has so many benefits. I even found an interesting article that explains
  14. Plan your upcoming week in a planner- grab a new planner for the new year and get busy organizing your life in your planner which will make you less stressed and more productive. I love this planner found .
  15. Get creative; draw, paint, etc.
  16. Challenge yourself to try something new
  17. Do one thing you have been procrastinating
  18. Declutter a closet or drawer
  19. Write down one or a few short term and long term goals
  20. Break your big goals into little ones. Tackle one at a time

I believe that self-care, begins in our mind. So let’s start this new year out with a positive attitude, and carve out time to care for our needs.

Also, if you are an Arizona mama that needs some time for your self and could benefit from a nanny whether that is part-time or full-time, check out our Families Section to learn more! We’d love to help you get some time to take care of yourself while a highly-qualified nanny helps you with the children!

Nanny and baby

I can’t wait to hear which of the 20 Self-Care Ideas for 2020 to help you take better care of yourself you will start implementing! Share with me below in the comments.

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A Day in the Life of a Nanny /2019/11/25/a-day-in-the-life-of-a-nanny/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=a-day-in-the-life-of-a-nanny Mon, 25 Nov 2019 03:31:31 +0000 /?p=956 Ever wondered what it’s like to be a nanny for the day? We can’t wait to share the day in the life of a professional nanny. Their routine is impressive and they still make time for the most special moments and teaching times with the children. Most nannies work daytime hours but there are also […]

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Day in the life of a professional nanny
A day in the life of a professional nanny—include fun times at the park too!

Ever wondered what it’s like to be a nanny for the day? We can’t wait to share the day in the life of a professional nanny. Their routine is impressive and they still make time for the most special moments and teaching times with the children. Most nannies work daytime hours but there are also those that are live-in nannies, night nannies, or newborn care specialists that will work through the night or even in 24 hour shifts! We will be discussing day nannies that come to the family’s home during agreed-upon daytime hours.

A day in the life of a nanny involves many tasks and can be so much fun! I got a chance to interview a nanny and she gave me the scoop of her daily routine with the children she cares for: ages 3 and 7. Her schedule is Monday through Friday from 7:30 am-4:30 pm. The mother of the family works from home in her home office but also travels a lot. The father works locally but is gone throughout the day while the nanny is there to assist.

Morning Routine

When I arrive at the family’s home at 7:30 am I immediately start the morning by getting the young boy (7 years old) ready for school. I get him up, have his clothes laid out (I do that a week in advance and have them all laid out on his chest of drawers), and get him downstairs ready to eat breakfast. I let the girl (3 years old) wake up on her own but if she’s not up by the time to leave for school, I’ll grab her out of bed and move along. I also pack the boy’s lunch and have his bookbag ready to go. We leave the house altogether in the family’s SUV (the family provides me with a vehicle to use) and drop him off at school. I then return back to the family’s home to fix the toddler’s (3-year-old girl) breakfast and start a few morning chores.

The morning chores consist of making up beds, cleaning up kids’ rooms, tidying up the playroom, unloading and loading the dishwasher, and putting in a load of the kids’ clothes in the wash.

Then we play! How fun, right? We love doing arts and crafts and will usually make something with play-doh, moon sand, or do some type of coloring or painting. Often times we will bake too! The little girl loves to make homemade brownies and cookies, which is so much fun to do. After a couple of hours of playtime, arts and crafts or baking, I finish up the laundry and start prepping for lunch.

Mid-Day Routine

After cleaning up lunch, the little girl will watch TV in the playroom for a few minutes while enjoying some milk. I then put her in her bed for a nap. During nap time, I finish up laundry and any other housework that needs to be done whether that’s laying out things for the next day or some cleaning. This is a time where I also have some free-time and can sit back and relax for a few short minutes.

Afternoon Routine

Naptime is over! The little girl is refreshed and ready to go! Now it’s time for me to grab a snack, hop in the car, and go pick up the little boy from school. After pickup around 3 pm, I usually take them to the local playground/park for them to play for about 30 minutes or we’ll go home and play ball outside. I like for them to be able to burn off a little energy and it’s a fun time I have with them! We will then return back to the house where I help the young boy with his homework and play with them some more. The mother is finished with work by 4:30 pm and relieves me so I can go home. I’ve now finished my workday and will return to my home. This is a typically day my life as a professional nanny.

The Nanny’s Perspective

I honestly love what I do. My daily routine as a nanny is apart of my everyday life now. I get to be apart of a family and help them with their two blessings. The children are very receptive of me and love when I’m there. I’ve even heard the parents say they miss me on the weekends. I love working for this family too as they allow me to take the kids to fun places and they will provide the funds to do so. We have a lot of fun going to fairs, playgrounds, indoor play arenas, movies, mall, and library. This job is rewarding and pays well too! I also love the hours as I still get the weekends off to see family and friends and have some time to relax and get ready for the next busy week!

Let Us Help You!

As you can see the daily schedule of a professional nanny looks busier than most imagine! Yet they are nurturing, caring, and lots of fun. If you are wanting to have more intentional time with your kids, need help with their care and household items, then give us a call at 鶹 so we can help you find the perfect nanny for your family. To see more information check out our Family Section.

Also, if you are a nanny looking for that perfect family with perks like discussed, take a look at our Nannies Section and fill out an application today.

We take pride in providing the very best nannies to our families and vice versa. We are firm believers in a positive community and support system for each nanny and family we work with at 鶹.

Hi! I’m Kayla, the owner/director of 鶹! We provide experience, trust, and service to AZ families and nannies.

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All About a Nanny Share /2019/11/07/all-about-a-nanny-share/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=all-about-a-nanny-share Thu, 07 Nov 2019 18:53:43 +0000 /?p=934 Are you really wanting a Nanny but maybe aren’t ready to invest the full amount on a professional nanny? Then a nanny share could be the right fit for you! Let’s take a look at what steps you need to take to have a smooth and seamless nanny share as well as the many benefits. […]

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Are you really wanting a Nanny but maybe aren’t ready to invest the full amount on a professional nanny? Then a nanny share could be the right fit for you! Let’s take a look at what steps you need to take to have a smooth and seamless nanny share as well as the many benefits. A nanny share is when one nanny cares for children from different households at the same time.  This allows each family to save money on childcare expenses and the nanny earns a higher pay than the typical full-time position. ()  This allows you to have a high-quality candidate for less money out of pocket. “Okay, I’m interested….what are the next steps???” Steps to Set Up a Nanny Share:
  1. Find another family wanting to share a nanny with you. Listen out & ask around if you hear of any other family that is interested in a nanny. Find another family that you feel would be a good match with and share a nanny with.  Children who are the same age or similar ages will make this easier.  Location is also important, you need to be within a reasonable distance of one another so the commute for the nanny doesn’t change too drastically.
  2. Figure out a budget. Decide on an hourly rate that you can afford to pay the nanny together. Make sure you are both on the same page. For nanny share pay, you would want to take the average amount a nanny is being paid in your area and then each family pays 2/3 of that pay. Ex. the average nanny salary is $20/hr- each family pays $13.33 which then equals $26 per hour for the nanny.
  3. Figure out the schedule. Consider if the nanny will be at one family’s house 100% of the time or more like 50% of the time. Come up with a schedule that best suits both families and also makes sense for the nanny
  4. Interview and hire candidates. This is a great time to turn over all of this to 鶹 as we can help you with finding the perfect candidates and take care of the screening and background check. A nanny agency can definitely help prepare you to interview the candidates as well as all of the other important things such as background checks and all of the extra paperwork to set you up for a successful placement!
  5. Offer the nanny contracts and get a start date scheduled! Here at all about nannies, each family involved in the nanny share will receive a contract and be charged a placement fee. The nanny will be in contract with each individual family too.  It is a placement with each family.  Each family will have a contract with the nanny with additional documentation for the nanny share.
Benefits of a Nanny Share:
  1. Kids get to have play buddies every day. They are able to socialize with other kids and work on socialization skills all while being in their own home with a nanny share.
  2. Save money! You are not paying for the nanny alone. You split it with another family!
  3. You get a higher caliber nanny for your family at a lower rate!
  4. The children are still being closely supervised and receiving one-on-one attention even if there are more than 1 child.
  5. Meet some incredible friends. If you are in a nanny share with another family, you will get to know one another much better and create special bonds between yourself and the children.
Is this something you are interested in for your family? If you have any questions on the next steps of a nanny share or any of the amazing benefits, feel free to reach out and I’d be happy to assist. You can also check out our family section on our website for more information by clicking here. We discuss what are the next steps and what we will do to help guide you for finding a nanny share. 

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Spooky Crafts and Creepy Snacks /2019/10/23/spooky-crafts-and-creepy-snacks/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=spooky-crafts-and-creepy-snacks Wed, 23 Oct 2019 17:47:17 +0000 /?p=900 Can you believe it? Halloween is almost upon us! Its kind of a scary thought, right? Well, to help you and the kiddos get into a spooky frame of mind, here are some of my favorite Halloween activities. Do you have some toilet paper rolls lying around? Paint them, add some googly eyes, and glue […]

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Can you believe it? Halloween is almost upon us! Its kind of a scary thought, right? Well, to help you and the kiddos get into a spooky frame of mind, here are some of my favorite Halloween activities.

Do you have some toilet paper rolls lying around? Paint them, add some googly eyes, and glue some paper on them to create a little mummy. Let the kids imaginations run wild, and create any spooky character they can come up with.

Want to create a memento of little hands enjoying the holiday? Grab a box, piece of paper, white and black paint, a golf ball and some googly eyes. Put the paper, the golf ball, and some white paint on the paper, close the box lid, and let the littles shake some energy out while shaking the box. Take out your paper to see a unique web pattern. Then make a handprint spider. Perfect for remembering tiny hands.

How about a pumpkin stamp? All you need is a piece of paper, an apple cut in half, orange paint, googly eyes, and pipe cleaners. And you have the perfect fine motor activity for little hands.

Crafting will turn anyone into a hangry monster. So how about some creepy themed snacks?

Jack o lantern fruit cups, made from oranges are a perfect snack for little hands.

Peanut Butter spider cookies are simple to make and are sure to make your little one squeal. From delight, we hope.

And last, but not least, Witch hat cupcakes. So simple to put together with any cupcake recipe, and ice cream cones.

And there you have. The perfect spine chilling, hair raising treats and activities for the whole family.

  • Halloween toilet paper roll crafts- for full instructions go .
  • Handprint spider- for full instructions go .
  • Pumpkin stamp- for full instructions go .
  • Jack o lantern fruit cups- for full recipe go .
  • Peanut butter spider cookies- for full recipe go .
  • Witch hat cupcakes- for full recipe go .

Also, if you are still looking for a fun fall activities in Arizona to check out with your kids or the kids you nanny check out this blog.

Which spooky craft and creepy treat are you going to make?

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A Nanny’s Top 5 Baby Products /2019/10/16/a-nannys-top-5-baby-product-must-haves/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=a-nannys-top-5-baby-product-must-haves Wed, 16 Oct 2019 01:05:03 +0000 /?p=874 Guess what? We decided to hear from one of our favorite nannies on what her top 5 baby products would be. We asked nanny Brittany to share with us her favorite products she uses every day in her life as a nanny and why they are the best, most useful products. “Here comes baby! Are […]

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Guess what? We decided to hear from one of our favorite nannies on what her top 5 baby products would be. We asked nanny to share with us her favorite products she uses every day in her life as a nanny and why they are the best, most useful products.

“Here comes baby! Are you ready? Did you get everything that you needed on your registry or are you overwhelmed with all the products your friends and family are sharing with you? Not to worry, as a nanny I have seen and used so many of these products and I want to share with you my top 5 products I can’t live without!

– let me tell you I have used tons of wipes and these have to be by far my favorite. They are thick enough so you can get everything in one wipe without getting it everywhere.

PC: Honest Company

– this is truly one of a kind sound machine and light. You use this as a white noise machine for those new babies all the way up to your toddlers who need the light at night time.

PC: The Hatch Baby

– this bath is a lifesaver! It is a soft mesh that can rinse easily and supports your baby in the safest position possible.

PC: Google

this simple, easy swaddle can be used by anyone! No more fighting to get your baby’s arms in the right position either. Just wrap your baby and go!

PC: The Ollie World

– We all do not like that feeling of putting diaper cream on our baby’ bums then having to get the diaper on before the mess gets everywhere! The BabyBum Brush saves you from the mess and the feeling of diaper cream everywhere!

PC: Bumco

I hope that you enjoy these products as much as I do. They really make a difference in my life as a working, professional nanny and I share them with all the families I work with. Give them a try and you will fall in love with them too!”

We also showcased my favorite baby products as a previous nanny, newborn care specialist, household manager, and now the owner of 鶹 on this blog found here.

Are you feeling overwhelmed with all the baby product decisions? We know it can be a lot so we offer a Custom Baby Registry Design. It includes a 1-hour in-home or virtual consultation, curated baby registry tailored to fit your lifestyle and needs, and an organized list for thank you cards. Contact us today to purchase this service and get started!

Recent testimonial: “As my husband and I prepared for the arrival of our first child, Kayla helped us navigate all things baby related including helping me with my registry. As a first time mom, I didn’t know what products were better than others and which were necessary. Her expertise was so valuable and her experience with different products helped me figure out what would work best for me and my family.” -Jackie

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Arizona’s Best Fall Activities for Kids /2019/10/09/arizonas-best-fall-activities-for-kids/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=arizonas-best-fall-activities-for-kids /2019/10/09/arizonas-best-fall-activities-for-kids/#comments Wed, 09 Oct 2019 10:48:00 +0000 /?p=824 Looking for something fun and fall-themed to occupy the kids here in Arizona? I’m going to give you the top places to take them this fall that will be tons of fun for them (and for you too!) Nannies, this is a great day trip with the kids. Parents, this is a fun place to […]

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Photo Credit: MacDonald’s Ranch

Looking for something fun and fall-themed to occupy the kids here in Arizona?

I’m going to give you the top places to take them this fall that will be tons of fun for them (and for you too!) Nannies, this is a great day trip with the kids. Parents, this is a fun place to take the kids on a day off or on the weekend. Have fun with those precious kids and make some falltime memories at these locations:

Pumpkin Patches:

Schnepf Farms in Queen Creek, AZ– this has been voted for the best fall festival in the valley. Schnepf Farms is hosting its annual Pumpkin and Chili Party too! They have so many fun activities like spinning teacups ate even yes, pig races! To learn more, go .

Marana Pumpkin Patch in Marana, AZ– this farm has tons of fun activities like a mini train, petting zoo, corn maze, a 50-acre pumpkin patch where you can pick your own pumpkin and more. To learn more, go .

Vertuccio Farms in Mesa, AZ– so many exciting things to do there including a 5-acre corn maze and mini zip line for the kids. To learn more, go .

Tolmachoff Farms in Glendale AZ– this is another fun spot to enjoy! They have a pumpkin patch, haunted corn maze, mini-corn maze for the kids, petting zoo, tomato cannon, bounce house and train rides. They also have food vendors set up! To learn more, go .

Enchanted Pumpkin Garden in Carefree, AZ– this is a one of a kind enchanted pumpkin garden where the exhibits change each day with different carved pumpkins. You can also witness live pumpkin carving by Ray Villafane, a world-famous artist. There are also whimsical pumpkin characters and fun photo-ops with the massive 400 pound carved, “King of Carefree” pumpkin. They also have a corn maze, pumping pie eating contest, face painting, arts and crafts, and costume contests. Lots of unique fun for the whole family! To learn more, go .

Mortimer Farms in Dewey, AZ– this is a fun place for the family! They have a 15-acre pumpkin patch and a 15-acre corn maze. Lots of activities including pig races, dog races, obstacles course, gem mining, zip lines, slides, corn hole games, hay ride tours, and even some circus and illusion shows. They have farm inspired games and activities that will keep the kids entertained for a while! To learn more, go .

MacDonald’s Ranch in Scottsdale, AZ– located right in Scottsdale for North Valley residents but it’s also worth the drive! You get to experience a real western hayride pulled by mules and horses to go pick out your perfect pumpkin at their pumpkin patch. There is an amazing petting zoo for the kids that includes many animals as well as a hay maze to get lost in (haha well hopefully not!). There’s face painting, gold panning, duck faces, pedal cars, and more! To learn more, go .

The Pumpkin Patch Train in Williams, AZ– if you want a different pumpkin patch experience, then take a ride on the Pumpkin Patch Train. You can dress up in your costumes and enjoy a train ride through the Arizona countryside. The trains take the guests to a hidden pumpkin patch to pick from and then decorate the pumpkin of your choice. It only occurs eight times through the month of October so check it out today! To learn more, go .

Photo Credit: Apple Annie’s Orchard

Other Activities:

Apple Annie’s Orchard in Willcox, AZ– this is where you go for a fall-themed breakfast then you have a chance to roam the fruit orchard and fields of pumpkins. They also have corn maze! To learn more, go .

Sea Life Arizona’s Underwater Superhero Spooktacular in Tempe, AZ.- this is a fun activity where your kids can dress up as their favorite superhero and check out all the sea life as well as interactive superhero pods. To learn more, go .

Halloween Town AZ in Chandler, AZ– this is located at the Phoenix Premium Outlets and includes arts & crafts, pumpkins, rides, and games. A side perk is you can go shopping too! (win-win for ya mamas!) To learn more, click .

23rd Annual Pumpkins at the Peak in Phoenix, AZ– this is located at Pointe Hilton Squaw Peak Resort and includes lots of fun games, arts & crafts, face painting and even a Dancing’ Dad Contest! To learn more, click .

Salt River Fields Balloon Spooktacular in Scottsdale, AZ- this is an amazing experience where you can watch the night sky light up with many hot air balloons while the kids can play games, wander through the pumpkin patch, wander through the Spook trail, and more! To learn more, click .

Vertuccio’s Corn Maze This Year
Photo Credit: Vertuccio Farm

These are the top places that I’ve discovered or researched when I think of the best places to take the kids this fall in Arizona. There is even more and so much to choose from here in Arizona. I hope you take advantage of these amazing locations and visit one or more of them this fall! The kids will surely have fun and I bet you will too!

Also, if you are in the transition of childcare or need someone to talk to you about the possibility to help your family out such as a nanny, newborn care specialist, or household manager, then click here, our Family Section on our website to find out more! I’d love to help you find that perfect fit for you and your family that will help in tremendous ways!

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