20 Self-Care Ideas for 2020
“Self-care is giving the world the best of you instead of what’s left of you!”

Give yourself the same care and attention that you give to others and watch yourself bloom.
Did you give too much this holiday season? And I am not talking about actual gifts. But did you give too much of yourself?
It happens.
The holidays keep us on our toes, and we are so busy doing all the things, for all the people, except ourselves. But now it’s back to our regularly scheduled programing and we are left feeling a bit blah.
But the New Year is the perfect time to get back on track, and to start a new routine. A self-care routine, that will put life back into your days. It’s okay to take care of yourself. This can be done in many different ways.
Today I am going to share 20 Self-Care Ideas for 2020 to help you take better care of yourself, that anyone can incorporate into their daily routine.
- Go for a walk
- Meditate
- Connect with friends
- Practice deep breathing
- Call a friend or family member
- Journal
- Cook your favorite food
- Sit down and enjoy a cup of coffee or tea
- Take a social media break
- Take a nap
- Go to a park and people watch
- Create a positive mantra for yourself
- Drink lots of water- water has so many benefits. I even found an interesting article that explains
- Plan your upcoming week in a planner- grab a new planner for the new year and get busy organizing your life in your planner which will make you less stressed and more productive. I love this planner found .
- Get creative; draw, paint, etc.
- Challenge yourself to try something new
- Do one thing you have been procrastinating
- Declutter a closet or drawer
- Write down one or a few short term and long term goals
- Break your big goals into little ones. Tackle one at a time

I believe that self-care, begins in our mind. So let’s start this new year out with a positive attitude, and carve out time to care for our needs.
Also, if you are an Arizona mama that needs some time for your self and could benefit from a nanny whether that is part-time or full-time, check out our Families Section to learn more! We’d love to help you get some time to take care of yourself while a highly-qualified nanny helps you with the children!

I can’t wait to hear which of the 20 Self-Care Ideas for 2020 to help you take better care of yourself you will start implementing! Share with me below in the comments.