A Day in the Life of a Nanny

Ever wondered what it’s like to be a nanny for the day? We can’t wait to share the day in the life of a professional nanny. Their routine is impressive and they still make time for the most special moments and teaching times with the children. Most nannies work daytime hours but there are also those that are live-in nannies, night nannies, or newborn care specialists that will work through the night or even in 24 hour shifts! We will be discussing day nannies that come to the family’s home during agreed-upon daytime hours.
A day in the life of a nanny involves many tasks and can be so much fun! I got a chance to interview a nanny and she gave me the scoop of her daily routine with the children she cares for: ages 3 and 7. Her schedule is Monday through Friday from 7:30 am-4:30 pm. The mother of the family works from home in her home office but also travels a lot. The father works locally but is gone throughout the day while the nanny is there to assist.
Morning Routine
When I arrive at the family’s home at 7:30 am I immediately start the morning by getting the young boy (7 years old) ready for school. I get him up, have his clothes laid out (I do that a week in advance and have them all laid out on his chest of drawers), and get him downstairs ready to eat breakfast. I let the girl (3 years old) wake up on her own but if she’s not up by the time to leave for school, I’ll grab her out of bed and move along. I also pack the boy’s lunch and have his bookbag ready to go. We leave the house altogether in the family’s SUV (the family provides me with a vehicle to use) and drop him off at school. I then return back to the family’s home to fix the toddler’s (3-year-old girl) breakfast and start a few morning chores.
The morning chores consist of making up beds, cleaning up kids’ rooms, tidying up the playroom, unloading and loading the dishwasher, and putting in a load of the kids’ clothes in the wash.
Then we play! How fun, right? We love doing arts and crafts and will usually make something with play-doh, moon sand, or do some type of coloring or painting. Often times we will bake too! The little girl loves to make homemade brownies and cookies, which is so much fun to do. After a couple of hours of playtime, arts and crafts or baking, I finish up the laundry and start prepping for lunch.
Mid-Day Routine
After cleaning up lunch, the little girl will watch TV in the playroom for a few minutes while enjoying some milk. I then put her in her bed for a nap. During nap time, I finish up laundry and any other housework that needs to be done whether that’s laying out things for the next day or some cleaning. This is a time where I also have some
Afternoon Routine
Naptime is over! The little girl is refreshed and ready to go! Now it’s time for me to grab a snack, hop in the car, and go pick up the little boy from school. After pickup around 3 pm, I usually take them to the local playground/park for them to play for about 30 minutes or we’ll go home and play ball outside. I like for them to be able to burn off a little energy and it’s a fun time I have with them! We will then return back to the house where I help the young boy with his homework and play with them some more. The mother is finished with work by 4:30 pm and relieves me so I can go home. I’ve now finished my workday and will return to my home. This is a typically day my life as a professional nanny.
The Nanny’s Perspective
I honestly love what I do. My daily routine as a nanny is apart of my
Let Us Help You!
As you can see the daily schedule of a professional nanny looks busier than most imagine! Yet they are nurturing, caring, and lots of fun. If you are wanting to have more intentional time with your kids, need help with their care and household items, then give us a call at 国产麻豆 so we can help you find the perfect nanny for your family. To see more information check out our Family Section.
Also, if you are a nanny looking for that perfect family with perks like discussed, take a look at our Nannies Section and fill out an application today.
We take pride in providing the very best nannies to our families and vice versa. We are firm believers in a positive community and support system for each nanny and family we work with at 国产麻豆.